Salvi is an Executive Branding & Content Agency

Salvi is focused on four major shifts at the intersection of business, communication & culture.

Graphic of Salvi Media's four focuses


The role of CEOs & senior leaders is rapidly evolving. They’re expected to engage an expanded set of stakeholders about new types of issues - and use new channels to reach them. Brand power will continue to shift to individuals over organizations.


The number of Gen-Z employees will triple by 2030. These employees have profoundly different values, priorities, & expectations - and a fundamentally different relationship with work.


Smartphones & social media have radically changed how we consume information & interact with businesses. Video is the dominant form of communication across most channels.


Hybrid work has distinct challenges & trade-offs. For many employees, it means less access to leadership, less opportunities to be recognized, and less connection with employers & colleagues.

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Salvi, an executive branding and content agency, strategically crafts content for executives and employees, elevating leadership and enhancing employee engagement through authentic conversations.

Few executives even try creating content and building an audience. They often lack the time, skillsets, and their priority is operating the business. At Salvi, we scale the influence of your most important team members by expressing their personal stories and professional excellence to specific audiences. Earning the currency of trust and confidence with stakeholders.

What’s your story?
Let’s find out.

Greatness starts with a conversation. Let’s talk about your next bold step.